Crime and Social Exclusion
Catherine Jones Finer and 1 more
Not Available
The Business of Research
Environmental Issues and Social Welfare
Michael Cahill and 1 more
Migration, Immigration and Social Policy
Catherine Jones Finer
Challenging Welfare Issues in the Global Countryside
George Giacinto Giarchi
Reforming the Bismarckian Welfare Systems
Bruno Palier and 1 more
Living in Dangerous Times
David Denney
Reforming Long-Term Care in Europe
Joan CostaiFont
The Times They Are Changing?
Bent Greve
Crime and Social Policy
Hazel Kemshall
Evidence and Evaluation in Social Policy
Ian Greener and 1 more
Contracting-Out Welfare Services
Mark Considine and 1 more
New Perspectives on Health, Disability, Welfare and the Labour Market
Colin Lindsay and 4 more